27 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

How I Lost Jens Lekman's Heart and Threw My Life Away to Feed the Seagulls

This is the story of a lonely girl
Who lived in a world of pretty little things that wasn't hers
She lived among daisies and mockingbirds
She watched constellations on a summer's night
From the window of her room on the basement floor
As they seemed so far away
As far as her pretty little dreams
She dipped cookies in her tea 
As cookies sank, down sank her dreams into the sea
She wanted to be beautiful
She wanted to be wanted 
In a circus to travel across Europe
As she sipped her tea in her sleeping robe
She wanted someone's heart to call herself human
She wanted to go pet the cats and watch the birds with him
Then one day as days went by
She found a heart on the street
She thought someone must have lost it
She tried it on, she tried to fit in
His heart was too big
Sad as she was she tore it into pieces
And fed it to the seagulls on a midday ferry trip
Since that day the seagulls were part bird, part man
But they never felt like they were whole again

22 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

I'm the eye that sees
I'm the one who cares
I'm the heart that aches

9 Aralık 2012 Pazar

"It was the wrong book at the wrong time, one of those beautiful things you miss because it found you before you needed it."

1 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

When hope fails you
Do not shed a tear
There is a world
Beyond the rainbow

When you cry yourself to sleep
Remember me
I never knew the green fields

When it all falls apart
It will all fall into place
There is life after death
For you and me
We don't belong here

Our hands are made to build
Bigger loves, bigger things
You and I will save this world
For the rainy day and after

We can sail across the seas
We can walk on the water
We can take a look and come back
From the heavens, from the hell

We will do impossible things
Because we always knew
You and I were the natives
Of a lost city
Of a dead language

Little junebug,
You shouldn't be here
Little junebug,
You were made free
Little junebug,
You can't stay with me
Little junebug,
You've got a place to be

Little junebug,
Wish you could stay
Little junebug,
If you stay you'll fade
Little junebug,
I'll hear from you
Little junebug,
You've gotta do what you've gotta do

Little junebug,
My heart beats where you live
Little junebug,
You don't belong in here
Little junebug,
I'll let you go
Little junebug,
Please do me so.

Little junebug,
You are all so pretty
Little junebug,
You'll be fine without me
Little junebug,
You'll survive
Little junebug,
Until next time...

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